Mergers and Acquisitions
- Disposals and acquisitions
- Transaction structuring
- Restructuring
- Corporate Restructurings
- Leveraged and Management buy-outs
- Employee Share Ownership Schemes
Black Economic empowerment
- BEE ownership strategy
- Transaction structuring and implementation
- BEE partner selection
- Employee ownership schemes
- Structuring communities’ participation
- Community schemes governance
- Community Trusts advisory
Equity Advisory
- Initial Public Offerings
- Rights issues
- Share placements
- Share buy-backs
- Acquisition financing strategies
Transaction Services and Restructuring
- Valuations
- Commercial Due Diligence
- Corporate restructuring
We understand the global investment banking environment
Providing Co-Advisors with greater agility on resource allocation
48K+ Project Done
South America
32K+ Project Done
North America
18K+ Project Done
11K+ Project Done
21K+ Project Done